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Monthly Archives: July 2008


Always activate the Ki Manna Symbol before each stage. Going over the body in the aura  – activate and draw the kid manna symbol. We first relieve any built up blocked energy that is at the surface causing pain and uncomfortable feelings.

Try not to apply any pressure on the spinal area.  Always work around the spine.  Applying pressure on the spine can cause severe pain and upset the discs.

This healing technique not only heals back, neck and spinal problems, it also help in releasing emotional and spiritual blockages.

It is important that we warm the muscles up before we apply any pressure on the back.  Standing to their right side. Start by gently swirling the palms of your hands in circular motions all around the back, up around the neck and shoulder areas, traveling down the arms to the elbows. Place one hand on the top of the other, in a cross position and apply a little pressure. Gently stroke each side of the back area starting at the base, working   upwards towards the neck and shoulder areas and flick out any excess energy through the arms. You can use the chakras in the shoulders or the elbows to release the built up energy. You can also stroke in circular movements as well as up and down the back.   Start on the left side first and really give it a good massage, using the Ki Manna energy, focus on any issues that you can help release in a physical way.

We do not advise that you touch the actual spinal area. However, it is quite safe to gently massage the area close to the spine.  You can stroke up and down on either side of the spine, to relieve stress and blocked energy that is causing physical and emotional trauma.  You can also use your fingertips and apply a little pressure on either side in circular swirling motions. It will also help release any pressure, either physical or on an emotional level. If there are injuries in these areas, always work away from the actual injury site to the adjacent muscles.  These muscles usually support the injured areas and by working on strengthening these muscles, you can promote faster healing to the injured site. Take your time with this stage and work the energy evenly throughout the  whole back.

Reiki is an ancient method of healing that has been used for centuries. Since it’s reintroduction in the early 20th century, various methods have been produced and one of them although considered by some as radical is called Feiki Reiki.

But why is it a radical form of Reiki? This is because the technique not only recharges your energy but it also awakens your senses. This makes you realize that nothing lies outside ourselves when the power and everything else we need is within us.

We have to tap that power to become better individuals and that can only be done by learning from a master and then improving who we are.

Regardless of what you choose to use, the purpose of Reiki is still the same. This technique teaches you to use the surrounding energy to heal your body and give you or whoever you are helping inner peace.

By practicing this regularly, you will be able to clear your body of negative energies that are mental blocks and causes of illness. This keeps you healthy and strong as well as gives your more creativity to flow through your mind.

One thing that you can’t miss even in radical Reiki is balance. This includes not only physical balance but also for the mind and spirit which gives you time to relax and revitalize your body.

If you want to learn conventional or radical Reiki, you have to start at level 1 training. The instructor will first teach you about the symbols and then after going through a cleansing period, you may choose to learn the other levels to the point that can even make you become a master.

There are a few attributes that go with Feiki Reiki. First is purification that is associated with a pure form of energy. It is often said that this can move into one that causes a higher vibration of energy to move through that person and thus causes healing. The second attribute is being able to transform fear and negative thoughts into an attribute. In short, you face your fears until you are no longer afraid of them.

Once you have mastered them, you will be able to call on a specific universal energy to help with your healing.

Feiki Reiki is often online. You can find it by typing this in a search engine or maybe look it up in your local area so you don’t have to travel very far to learn this but if you have no choice, you can just opt for distance learning.

The use of Feiki Reiki is not very common compared to the other forms available. Just the same, its focus is still to help you heal from any emotional, physical or spiritual problem that you or others may have. By using it regularly and making this a part of your daily life, you will realize that it can also serve as a guide.

After all, life is meaningless without a purpose and this may be the key to help you on your way. So read up on it to find out if Feiki Reiki is the right technique for you. If possible, talk to an instructor. There are plenty to choose from and that is something you have to find out for yourself.


This stage is massaging the feet, knees, hands and elbows.  Working on these areas, will also enhance healing of the body organs.  It will help stimulate the natural energy flow throughout the body.   With them lying on their back, place a pillow under their ankles to help with circulation.  Using your fingers and thumbs massage the toes in swirling   motions around and around.  Then stroke each toe individually upwards.  Apply pressure   to the tips of the toes for a few seconds, then massage to ease the pressure.  Place pressure in between the web sections of each toe.  Hold for a few seconds, then gently massage to relieve. Starting at the big toe and the web in between, this represents the base chakra. – The index toe and web in between represents the sacral chakra. – The middle toe and web in between represents the solar chakra. – The fourth toe and web in between represents the heart chakra – The little finger and web in between represents the throat chakra.  You apply pressure just below the little toe.  This represents the third eye.  Apply pressure on the heel of the foot on the inside. This represents the crown  chakra.

Massage the top area just below the toes.  In a clockwise and anti clockwise direction.  Then massage to the right, then to the left side of the foot in an anti clockwise and clockwise direction.  Do this on both the front and back of the foot. –  Stroke upwards   using both thumbs, up the middle of the inner foot. (This is classed as the spinal area and relieves pressure on the back.  It also activates the chakras, stimulating energy   flows) Stroke and massage around the ankle area. This helps to relieve fluid and tension. Remember to flick away any energy built up.   REPEAT THIS ALL ON THE OTHER FOOT.

Massaging the knee area

The knee has seven little chakras around the outer area.  These chakras work well with the sexual organs.  They help to release emotional blockages that create depression.  Working in this area also helps one to become more open and flexible to changes in their lives.  Gently massage and swirl in an clockwise and anti clockwise direction using thumb and index finger.  Never touch the knee bone itself.  Then strip the energy out by   stroking downwards and out the souls of the feet. We always start with the feet massage first.  This is to prepare the feet to release any built up energy needing to be   stripped from the knees.

Hand massage

The hands represent our hold on life. How we are able to manifest success, health, love and healing depends on how strong we have a grasp on how we should live our lives.  When working with the hands, draw the Ki Manna symbol many times while massaging   this area.  This will enhance the healing on all levels.  Massaging the hands will also relive pain both physical and emotional.

Using thumb and index finger gently stroke the fingers separately up and down.  Then massage each finger around in swirls.  At the base of each finger, using your thumb, gently massage in an clockwise then anti clockwise direction.  The Thumb represents the Base chakra.  The Index finger represents the sacral chakra.  The Middle finger represents the solar chakra. The next finger represents the Heart chakra. The Littlefinger represents the Throat chakra.  The point below the little finger represents the Third Eye chakra and in the middle of the wrist area on the inside represents the Crown Chakra.  Apply pressure in between the web of each finger using   thumb and index finger.  Also massage the areas that represent the Third Eye and Crown  chakra.  Hold for several seconds.

Then go into the centre of their hand, using your thumb massage in a clockwise direction.  Then in an anti clockwise direction.  Working in the centre of the hand with the Ki Manna energy will unlock past life trauma and blockages. You can also go into the future and help set up positive healing patterns with the Ki Manna in this area.   Go to the wrist area, using the thumb and index finger gently massage all around the wrist part.  Working in this area with Ki manna energy will help pull them out of any depression and help them gain a hold on events in their lives in a more balanced way.  Do not apply too much pressure as you are near veins on the inside of the wrist.   Then go to the elbows using thumb and index finger, gently massage around the elbow bone, in both a clockwise and anti- clockwise direction.  Then strip energy downwards out through the hands and fingers.  Remember to flick away and built up energy.


Tummo is a spiritual technique taught by Tibetian Lhamas. Tummo in Tibet is not translated as heat, but rather depicts mystical technique, and the energy generated was not primarily to warm the body of the practitioner, but to support the spiritual progress of the practitioner.

Tibetians divide Tummo into three categories: Tummo exoteric which grants the body the ability to heal and subtle warmth. Esoteric Tummo which allows the body to survive even in extreme cold, and the Mystic Tummo (Kriya Yoga) which gives warmth in spiritual achievements while living in this world. Tummo esoteric (Chandali) is very well known and is mastered by many Tibetians who either gain it through one’s own effort, or through initiation or Angkur from a Vajra Master. While Tummo exoteric and mystic is not mastered by many people, even among Tibetian mystic, there are only several people who mastered the three kinds of Tummo.


With the flow of Tummo in oneself, all body level, physical, mental, emotional and intuition level will progress much faster. With Tummo esoteric of course one can survive in extreme cold even without any single cloth like what happened at Lachi Kang (near Everest summit), Himalaya.

The mastery of Tummo exoteric is very beneficial for the healing of various kind of ailments and illness on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is very easy to use Tummo because it does not require concentration at all and the healing will happen automatically simultaneously at all levels of beingness. A Tummo practitioner himself doesnt need to know and able to diagnose the patient’s illness, this way it helps patients who feel embarrassed to speak of his/her illness. Tummo mystic will surely cause Tummo practitioner to achieve meditation perfection in very short time.


Sakya Tummo is a Tummo system that originated from Buddhism. Therefore, this Sakya Tummo is of direct lineage: Sastra Vardhana – Your Name.. Different with other Tummo system in general, Sakya Tummo only gives angkur once, which is of Vajra Master grade. Despite of that, the Sakya Tummo angkur is already comprised of all grades wholefully, mantras and mudras, and also vajra body protector, vajra weapon and many others. It is a Tummo system that is very integrated and is very powerful. Sakya Tummo allows a disciple to accelerate his/her spiritual advancement and inner power in healing others.


Inside human body, there exist at least three kinds of energy. Those three kind of energies are utilized optimally as Booster in Tummo technique. Those three kind of energies are:

  1. Vayu, Living energi of the universe that flows inside the body. Vayu is of wind element. There are many kinds of Vayu, but the most important among them are five, which are:
    • Prana, Pra means the first . Na means the smallest energy unit. This energy is obtained through breathing. It functions to move and maintain all physical organs.
    • Samana, This energy functions to help digestion process in disassociating nutrition from useless matters, which would result in bodily waste (feces).
    • Vyana, This energy helps dissipating prana and samana (ojas and tejas) to the whole body.
    • Apana, Apana functions to push out wastes and any other unneeded materials out of the body.
    • Udana, Udana pushes air out of the lungs and skin surface. Including pushing out the spirit out of the body.
  2. Ojas, Energi generated from drinking. This energy is of water element. Ojas is obtained from water that we drink, juicy fruits and fresh vegetables.
  3. Tejas, Energi generated from food. This energy is of fire element. Usually comes from solid food.

Sakya Tummo Angkur will also give harmonious adjustments with the universe energy that will enter from your Crown Chakra, and arouse the awakening of Kundalini energy(only to extent of Kundalini energy. Not the consciousness nor such higher level. Kundalini is contained in 7 layers of concentric ball. The rotation of this seventh layer will be accelerated) which will arouse from your Base Chakra, which will then be combined with Vayu, Ojas, and Tejas. That is why Tummo is felt by some of its practitioners have stronger energy power than Reiki. Someone which serious to true elaborate area of spiritual shall also take system of Tummo, because in system of Tummo hence we will obtain

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Reiki is an ancient form of healing that came from Japan using your hands. If you want to learn this technique, you have to learn this from a Reiki master. You too can become a master and then go on further by learning Reiki Nur Ilahi which in English means “divine ray of enlightenment.”

Reiki Nur Ilahi is pronounced Noor ee-loa-hee. There are eight levels of these often referred to as Magam. This term means “state of divine accomplishment of your awareness” and those who are able to learn it can heal certain emotional, mental and physical illnesses as well as purify the soul and spirit.

Unlike the other forms or Reiki, it does not use any symbols. The only prerequisite is that the person should already be a reiki master. This will make it easier for him or her to move from one level to the next since you just have to do affirmation to continue up the ladder. This is because after you reach level 8, there are still other Reiki techniques that you can learn.

The main goal of Reiki Nur Ilahi is for the person to gain unity to both your self and God’s consciousness. There are not that many schools that teach this technique. In fact, there is not that information about it but if you hard enough, you will find out that there are experts who prefer to give this training online.

You will be emailed a detailed manual of the course, distant initiation so you don’t have to travel and once you pass through the course, you will be given a certificate of completion.

When you are looking for someone that will train you in Reiki Nur Ilahi, you should ask them from the beginning if this will allow you to teach others in the future or will you have to take another sessions and pay additional fees in order for this to work.

That person should be competent enough to teach everything you need to know and offer support in the future if this is needed since this healing technique is not just for yourself but for others who also need it.

After passing through the course and getting the certificate, it is best to practice Reiki Nur Ilahi with friends who are already into Reiki so they can be used as attunement models. Surely, you will know your success if they feel some improvements. But if you have no one to practice with, you can try doing this first perhaps on a stuffed animal or even a pillow.

Reiki has a deeper purpose because you don’t only heal yourself or others when it can also serve as a guide in your life. You just have to practice until you become confident because you don’t become a master overnight. You have to earn it just like when you first started out as a student who didn’t know much about it but now desires to learn the powers of Reiki Nur Ilahi.

One thing you have to remember about Reiki Nur Ilahi or any of the types is that you did not master it but rather you have been mastered by it. This is because you totally surrender yourself to something bigger and the long term benefits are endless.

Trishakti Inner Power is a power originating from inside our body which after being processed with a certain technique the Trishakti Inner Power within a person will be aroused and will transmit outward. The arousal of Trishakti Inner Power in this basic level book uses the breathing method and for the advanced level the of Trishakti Inner Power that has been aroused is processed again spiritually. Each human being already processes Trishakti Inner Power, except that because I is not processed the Trishakti Inner Power is only in the form of potentiality along and is asleep forever and will arise spontaneously when we face a danger threatening us, for example a mother may lift a sewing machine or cupboard when there is fire or someone is able to jump to high wall when he is chased by a fierce dog. Or there was a real event when a sixty years old grandmother could lift a car to save her grandchild. You may be wondering what the power is coming out of our body.

Regarding this, let us look around the nature around us. All living forms have an electromagnetic field as well as material structure. In the human body this field shows up in art and Kirlian photography as a halo or aura. Western science has had difficulty admitting the existence of this dimension-because it is non-material and could not be weighed or measured. However, the human body is first and foremost an energy field and we have some evidence to establish this fact, such as the heat that radiates and can be measured by thermometer, our brains operates on waves and are measured by electroencephalogram. The acupuncture meridian system powers our organs and muscles as measured by voltmeter.

Our heart responds to electrical energy as measured by electrocardiograms. Scientists have now established that the electricity, magnetism, heat, sound and light from energy fields around which our physical body form. So the human being is more than just a body. It is a dynamic electromagnetic force complete with an aura. The concept of Trishakti Inner Power or KI or QI is universal in the Orient. It may be called by different names in different regions or countries, in China it is called Chi-kung, Qi Gong, or just plain Chi (in some other Chinese dialects it is called Lwee-kang or Nui-kun), in Japan it is called Ki, in India it is called Prana or Kundalini, and in Indonesia it is called Tenaga Dalam or Tenaga Murni.Regardless of what it is called, it is basically the same name for the type “energy” that is produced not by muscle exertion, but by channeling the “energy” from within the very core of your being, hence the name Trishakti Inner Power, as oppose to your muscle power, or Gwa-kang, or brute energy.

The masters of old had long understood the source of this energy that is available to every living being on this planet, and they were able to tap on to that energy so that where they were able to perform the seemingly super human feats. These masters practiced the cultivation of this energy as part of their daily exercise in order to remain strong and healthy. If they happened to be martial arts practicioners, this energy was then used to complement their martial skills with amazing results.We need to understand that the culture in the Orient demands that one must not be boastful of his or her achievements. Therefore these masters usually keep it to themselves or to the members of the inner circles, such as the disciples, only. It is not uncommon for a person to not realize that his or her next door neighbor possesses such skills.

The Trishakti Inner Power is not the final destination. It is a road one has to travel towards a conscientious life. The manual of Trishakti Inner Power you will be receiving when you take part in this course will neve r be found in the market. This is the one that reveals the real truth about the Trishakti Inner Power in its utmost form. In practicing the Trishakti Inner Power course outlined here,you are requested to give it a child-like innocence and trust, and do it with total and absolute diligence and integrity. Before you know it, you will be amazed at the results of your training.

Levels of Trishakti Trishakti Inner Power

Basically, Trishakti Inner Power can be said beneficial to everybody, male or female, because it is certainly needed for protection from criminal intentions of others, on the road or at home. Certainly, everybody wants to protect their property, children or beloved family from evil threats. Trishakti Inner Power can be thought of as multipurpose because it helps with health, recovery, self-defense and blessing. For instance, it can be utilized to protect our child at school, an employee collecting money from the Bank, to protect our car, motorcycle, residence or whatever. All those can also be done either distantly or in person.There are three levels of Trishakti.

Trishakti Inner Power :

1. Level one, will be discussing the following teachings : Energy Centres and Seven Auric Layers (Protective Shield). Trishakti Inner Power Breathing Techniques. The law of Cause and Effect. Arousing Trishakti Inner Power Distantly by the Master. Benefits of Practising Trishakti Inner Power. How To Do Exercises of Trishakti Inner Power. Testing Trishakti Inner Power. Trishakti Inner Power for Self Defense, etc.

2. Level Two, will be teaching you about : Spiritual power. Traditional exercises. Ngelmu (learning). Mamayu Hayuning Bawono. Proof of spiritual power. Seven hidden power. Understanding spiritual power. The building of spiritual power. The application of spiritual power. God’s Power

3. Level Three – will be talking about : Matter and energy. Everything is vibrating. Resonance. Polarity. Body Electric. Vibrotic power. Vibrotic power exercises. Amazing testing your power. Protection. Health Prosperity Energy, Tuning into a prosperity energy.

Asmak Malaikat is a Javanese spiritual teaching that the core of its teaching is to ask the God Almighty so that we are given assistance/hellp through his angels. Asmak Malaikat originally coming from ‘Sunan Muria’ (St.Muria) is not a certain religious teaching, but a ‘tradition’ teaching us spiritual techniques and spiritual efforts that are believed to be able to be the road to gaining a certain aim.

Etimologically, Asmak Malaikat consists of two Arabic words, Asma (name) and Malaikat, means Angel. The Angels are invisible creature from the light assigned to be in charge of taking care of the life in the world, including giving help to humankind desired by the God Almighty (Allah). The angels are The God’s creation who’s maintained or protected againt evil deeds/bad actions. An angel is a transcendal being found in many religions. Although the nature of angels and the tasks given to them vary from tradition to tradition, in Christianity, Judaism, and Isalam, they typically act as messengers from God. Other roles in religious traditions include acting as warrior or guard; the concept of a “guardian angel” is popular in modern Western culture. Angels are usually viewed as emanations of a supreme divine being, sent to do the tasks of that being. Traditions vary as to whether angels have free will or are merely extensions of the supreme being’s will. While the appearance of angels also varies, many views of angels give them a human shape.

According to the information of Mbah Ahmad Anshori (the founder of Asmak Malaikat), anyone who carried out Asmak Malaikat – the Practitioner of Asmak Malaikat-, he would always be protected by several angels. The names of the angels who are believed to assist the practitioners of Asmak Malaikat, to be named one by one in the third level affirmation of Asmak Malaikat. Since the sense of humankind is not defaultly created to be able to see and communicate with the angel, then generally only the angel’s energy emanations that could be felt by humankind. Nevertheless, It’s not impossible for a Practitioner of Asmak Malaikat to be able to communicate with the Angel due to the God’s permission.

Someone who finds intentional or unintentionally the affirmation of Asmak Malaikat (Occult science of angels in Javanese Teaching)and then purposely say the affirmation sentence will never be able to take the benefits from the Asmak Malaikat without any permission from the Guru/Master Teacher, passed through the process of attunement or initiation (the opening/the energy adjusment).

The person who studied Asmak Malaikat may study any other mystique teachings, spiritual or other metaphysics sciences.There will be no conflict among them, they are supporting each other. It’s informed here the energy of Asmak Malaikat is easy to feel by those who loves meditation or any metaphysics disciples such as inner power, reiki, Gtumo and the like.

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